Stina's "learn about life-school", No. 1

It is always very entertaining to read your own blog posts some time after you have written them. Especially if you are a self-critical person. My conclusion is that it is a very good exercise for me to write in English. Hell yeah.

I have some tips to give:

1. If you want to get rid of your sugar addiction (might be desirable in Christmas time... or maybe when it is time for the New Year's resolution) - just eat some pieces of "Lindt 85 % Cacao-Schokolade" ..."Edelbitter kräftig" = chocolate from Lindt with 85 % cacao and a very powerful and bitter taste. You will not have any taste buds (smaklökar) left, I promise.

2. If you want to eat very cheap in Germany, but still healthy and do not want to cook... and do not look older than a student (30+ people can stop reading now - that includes Göran and Carl as well) - you just go to the German student restaurant (die Mensa) and do as follows: Take potatoes on one plate, take a small sallad bowl, put an egg in the bottom of the bowl and cover it with sallad as much as possible (the egg costs extra) and Sheep's milk cheese (Feta) if there is any room left. Dressing and napkins you get for free (!!!). Water, you bring in an old plastic bottle in your bag. All this includes the necessary nutrients that you need to survive: carbohydrates, fats, proteins and vitamins. How much does it cost? 90 cent! Tasking very good as well!

Stina's "learn about life-school" is over for today.

Wish you all a pleasant evening!


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